Psyche and Structure

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Reviews and comments on Psyche and Structure

This beautifully produced book opens a hitherto closed door. Peter Tumminello has uncovered universal morphologies, crystal geometries that underlie the world of manifestation. He then links these with pathology and the subtle structures of the human psyche. I believe Psyche and Structure is Peter’s masterwork. His cases enrich and enliven what otherwise could have been pretty hard going. Peter goes deep! To assimilate this depth and the quality of the information presented is not a lightweight task, but is certainly worth the effort, because it provides much more than a methodology with which to come up with prescriptions (as systems of classifications can do), it actually illuminates, as science aspires to, the underlying principles of manifestation, and that, it seems to me, is a very great achievement.  Misha Norland, homeopath and teacher, United Kingdom

‘Wonderful! Thank you for writing such a stimulating book!’ Sabine Rickert, homeopath and translator, Germany

Peter’s book introduces such profound insights into the crystal structures that it truly adds a new dimension into the homeopathic profession. The whole spectrum of gemstones, minerals and metals is now mapped into a structure that will lead homeopathy into the next century. His book forms the foundation on which many are sure to follow. It adds a new form of creativity and inspiration to the way we perceive our remedies, write and read our Materia Medica, make our differential diagnoses and repertorize/analyse our cases. As if we get a peek behind the curtain of nature’s architects.  I’ve used the book intensively for some time now and I’m sure it will not leave my desk for some time. A must-read!  Wiet van Helmond, homeopath and teacher, Netherlands

Excerpts from a full review published in ‘Similia’, the Australian Journal of Homeopathic Medicine, June 2018 by Rochelle Hadjiloukas:

Peter Tumminello the author of Twelve Jewels (2005) takes us on another journey into the world of gemstones but his latest book delves much deeper this time into the crystal structure of gemstones while making it clear that all minerals crystallise.

Peter first came upon this connection between the structures of crystals and the corresponding structure or mental types in humans in the work of the late Michael Gienger, mineralogist and crystal healer in his book Crystal Structure, Crystal Healing, The Complete Handbook.

Along with meeting up with Michael Gienger and his colleague Walter Von Holst to study in more depth the crystal structures, Peter embarked on an applied Gemmology course with particular interest in study the gem structures.

Peter’s thorough research of more than 400 hundred clinical cases and provings has enabled him to provide us with a valuable insight into understanding into the correlation between the crystal structures and the nature of the human psyche.

As he says in this book “Structure is a way of understanding the thoughts, emotions, beliefs and spirituality of clients.”

His work and book enables the reader to go on a journey to understand not only their own psyche, character and behaviour but that of all fellow humans. This study of the crystal and mineral structures and remedies is also of particular help to homoeopaths to also give them a greater understanding of the known mineral remedies.

Peter in the introduction explains his journey of some 24 years into the fascinating world of gemstones and crystal structure. He takes us on his journey of discovery into this area and what impact it has on our understanding of the human condition.

In the first four chapters Peter details his process of inspiration and background to the crystal structures themselves. He then explains the nature of crystals, the concept of crystal structure and its relation to the psyche. Finally he writes an explanatory prelude to the individual structures.

The seven following chapters give a detailed explanation of each structure and helpful summary list of the characteristics of each different structure. Each chapter on the structures includes definitive information regarding the psyche of the structure, positive characteristics of the psyche, spiritual elements, related work and profession, diseases, activities, artistic works which directly relate and finally case studies. This provides the reader with a really comprehensive picture of each structure.

I would suggest studying each chapter on the structure in detail and then relating this information to specific cases you may have seen in your clinic or in journal articles. The artistic sources of each structure can also be a valuable way in cementing the picture of each structure in the readers mind.

There is also a very useful chapter on the differential diagnosis of structures to allow the reader further insights on how to identify the particular structure. Also of great help is the following chapter on assessment of the structure.

Then there is an interesting chapter for homoeopaths who are familiar with the kingdom way of categorising remedies and exploring the idea of structure in other kingdoms.

Finally the last two chapters list both the sources of information on the remedies and finally a comprehensive list of remedies for each different crystal structure.

When you consider around 40% of the known Materia Medica of remedies fall into the mineral category this book gives homoeopaths an invaluable tool to gain a greater understanding of this group of remedies.

This detailed study of psyche and structure allows us to understand what drives us and how we express this. This book helps us really delve deeply into the human psyche and explains these fundamental drives. This awareness not only informs on a personal level but helps choose a remedy that really goes to the fundamental core of healing and the ability to prescribe the deepest simillum.

This epic work which details each structure and the corresponding remedies is a valuable contribution for Homoeopathy but benefits us all in our understanding of humanity. Rochelle Hadjiloukas, homeopath, Victoria, Australia.